Posted by Andrew Miller
You operate with a sharp eye on your bottom line. As well you should. It’s an essential consideration for any business, regardless of your size, scope or sector. That focus on the budget naturally affects how you think about many integral areas of your organization, including corporate printing—and more specifically, corporate printer management.
But here’s something you might not have considered: There are massive cost savings just waiting to be had in nearly all corporate print environments. Most organizations—understandably wary of jeopardizing their bottom line by investing in expensive, non-essential infrastructure—tend to make do with conventional print management solutions. Sure, those solutions have plenty of drawbacks, but at least their frustration and inefficiency are predictable. Or so the rationale goes.
What organizations like these don’t realize is that the status quo is losing them money every single day. Corporate printer management as implemented through PrinterLogic has been proven time and time again to decrease costs and increase return on investment (ROI) significantly—not as a one-time or short-term benefit, either, but indefinitely. That’s because PrinterLogic is a holistic corporate printing solution that increases efficiency and enhances productivity throughout your entire print environment.
Let’s look at some of the ways that implementing
as your organization ’s print management solution can cut costs now and in the long term:
- In-depth auditing tools. This feature allows you to address one of the “hidden” threats to your bottom line: usage of print consumables (e.g., toner, paper). By keeping track of print-related activity according to job, user and printer and other advanced data points, you can monitor which users or departments are the most resource-hungry and take steps to curb overuse.
Independent surveys
have shown PrinterLogic to be incredibly effective in reducing consumable usage organization-wide—sometimes by 70% or more.
Centralized management. PrinterLogic lets you oversee and administer your entire print environment from a single pane of glass. That means you can remotely manage printers, drivers and print queues with ease, saving IT staff from having to make onsite visits to distributed locations just to carry out day-to-day duties. PrinterLogic’s renowned efficiency and built-in automation also means that admins spend less time dealing with routine deployment, driver issues, and installation, so they’re free to concentrate on other tasks.- End-user empowerment. PrinterLogic’s self-service portal is one of its most highly praised features, because it conveniently puts common printer installation in the hands of end users. Its simplicity takes the guesswork out of the installation process, enabling end users to access nearby printers on demand from anywhere in the organization, and likewise lifting one of the most frequent burdens on support staff.
Print server elimination. Although they’re meant to help with corporate printing, print servers can be huge time and cost drains on your organization. Their complexity, unreliability and incompatibility are legendary. And they’re expensive to install, maintain, upgrade and replace. PrinterLogic not only duplicates print server functionality (without the hardware costs), it also provides your organization with additional native features and the flexibility to scale your print environment further.
When it comes to decreasing costs and increasing ROI, corporate print management is an area of vast untapped potential for most organizations—even those that already have a direct IP printer management solution.
is the tool that helps you unlock those savings for an immediate and ongoing boost to your bottom line.